Why choose San Jose Neurospine for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?
- 1/2 inch incision
- Board Certified Neurosurgeon
- More than 3,500 successful cases
- Same day discharge
- Northwestern/UCLA Trained
- Minimal post-op pain
- Quick Recovery
- Over 90 percent success rate
- Advanced Technology
Minimally Invasive Microdiscectomy (Herniated Disc Surgery)
At San Jose Neurospine, our Board Certified, Northwestern-UCLA trained Neurosurgeon treats herniated discs using the minimally invasive microdiscectomy procedure. The whole rationale behind minimally invasive surgery is to treat the condition through the smallest incision possible, without cutting the muscles surrounding the spine. Our Surgeon uses a 16 mm diameter Metrx tubular retractor to perform the procedure (only a half inch incision). The dynamic nature of the retractor also allows us to treat multiple levels through a single incision. The goal of the procedure is to remove the portion of the disc that is out of place and pushing on the nerve (the disc is shaved/trimmed). Our discectomy patients are discharged home the same day of surgery and we have a 95 percent success rate. This less invasive approach is in sharp contrast to the open discectomy procedure which requires a much larger incision (up to 3 inches), involves cutting the muscles and prolongs the recovery. The majority of patients are able to return to light work in 1-2 weeks and full duty work in 4-6 weeks.
In order to obtain the best clinical outcomes, it is really important to choose a Spine Center that performs this procedure on a routine basis. The ability to navigate and operate through a tiny opening requires a high level of microsurgical skill. We have performed over 3,500 successful minimally invasive spine surgery procedures and minimally invasive is ALL that we do. Our Spine Center has treated patients from all across the state of California and other states. In addition, at San Jose Neurospine, you will have the comfort and security of knowing that your entire procedure (from opening to closure) is performed by a Board Certified Attending Neurosurgeon. There are no resident trainees, medical students or physician assistants working on you (this is quite the opposite at large academic centers, where residents in training often perform critical portions of your procedure). If you are exploring the option of surgery for a herniated disc, you owe it to yourself to explore the minimally invasive option. We offer a No Cost Complimentary MRI Review which will help us determine if you are a candidate for this procedure.
Symptoms Treated with the MIS Microdiscectomy Procedure
The following herniated disc symptoms could be effectively treated using the MIS microdiscectomy procedure.
- Back or neck pain — This is a very common symptom of a disc herniation and represents the localized pain at the site of the compression.
- Arm or leg pain — The pressure of the herniated disc on the nerve root frequently causes radiating or shooting pain in the extremities.
- Numbness and Tingling — Loss of sensation and a “pins and needles” feeling in the extremities is another very common symptom.
- Weakness — Patients could also experience loss of strength in the extremities secondary to the nerve root pressure. This is a very serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention.
If you are fed up with living with nerve pain and your quality of life has been negatively impacted, please give us a call. Get a free MRI review today.